2022 Calendar
Below you will find information on local collector club meetings, convention dates/times (both local to the Midwest and beyond), and any relevant dates or events to our shared nerd culture.
If you are a promoter, attendee, or have a club/show/event you think we should check out, let us know here!
Anti-Harassment Policy
Hot Spot Collectibles and Toys LLC is committed to supporting a safe and fun experience for all at any event where we are present. We will not tolerate harassment, physical threats or potential physical threats of any kind, including but not limited to, harassment due to age, disability, marital status, race or color, weight, appearance, national origin, religion, sex, or gender identity. Any threatening behavior with the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another is unacceptable and will be reported. We will notify Event Management and, if necessary, the local authorities. We will not exhibit at, attend, support or endorse in any form an event where harassment, physical threats or potential physical threats of any kind exists, regardless of whether the Event Management is unwilling or unable to rectify the situation.